Save 5000 – An Update!

When I started this little global experiment to save plastic bags, I mostly did it on the whim of a moment to remind myself that I needed to be more mindful about plastic. The open letter I wrote prior to this was a result of my own frustration at not being able to be more environmentally conscious and making a serious attempt at reducing my carbon footprints.

I received wonderful supporting comments on the experiment from bloggers as well as anecdotes about their own personal journeys to reduce plastic and how their own communities and cities have committed themselves to this cause that it was very heartening.

I secretly hoped that this experiment would catch on; even wished that even if 100 bags were saved this month, that it would be a success in my eyes. Sadly, it didn’t. I didn’t market it suitably and it failed to take off.

But I am not disappointed. My personal resolve to save plastic as much as possible was partially fulfilled in my own way. Grocery shopping is the personal domain of my dad who goes ambling about the neighbourhood supermarkets looking for the best deals and prices so I don’t really interfere in his territory unless I’ve been given an errand. Since I could not persuade him to carry a reusable bag (and believe me, I have tried!), I felt I should do what I personally can in my own little way.

Result: This October, I saved 6 bags out of 10 shopping/eating experiences. It could have been better but it’s a start. I wasn’t able to confidently use my reusable cloth bag inside a mall so I guiltily accepted a big plastic bag full of books. In other instances, I was too shy to say no especially where takeaway food was concerned.

Anyway, I don’t mean to give this up. I will still carry my cloth bag with me wherever I go stuffed with a couple of old plastic bags that I can reuse. It’s a huge challenge but gradually I hope to gain more confidence in saying the magic words, “No thank you, I’ve got a bag.”

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SAVE 5000!

First of all, I would just like to THANK YOU ALL for reading, visiting, liking, commenting and following my blog! It means so much to me that you have stopped by and spent time reading what I have to say and have even taken the time to leave behind such valuable and kind comments! Thank you once again from the bottom of my heart! I am so so grateful. Continue reading