Top Ten Tuesday – Ten Bookish Commandments


**Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s topic is centered on Ten Bookish Things I Want to Quit Or Have Quit (aka ten book series I think I’m going to abandon, ten bookish habits I want to quit, ten authors I quit reading, ten types of books I’m quitting, ten tropes I want to stop reading about, ten books I marked as DNF (did not finish) recently, etc**

Since I started the 2015 Reading Challenge to explore different genres and authors, I developed some reading habits that I would like to forever abandon. Based on these bad habits, here are ten bookish commandments I have drafted mainly as a reminder to myself:

  1. Thou shalt not waste time reading bad books for life is too short! Don’t try to finish a book when you know it’s getting really boring. For example, The Five Red Herrings
  2. Thou shalt not abandon a book too early. Give a book a chance to prove itself at least by reading the first 100 pages.
  3. Thou shalt read everyday and at the same time. As any good habit, stick to reading at the same time everyday.
  4. Thou shalt not wallow in reading slumps. Reminding yourself of the reason you started reading and reviewing books in the first place is one good way to come out of the slump.
  5. Thou shalt not acquire  too many books. Try to curb your enthusiasm while buying or downloading books one after the other. Instead, spend more time reading the ones you already have in your TBR.
  6. Thou shalt not multi-task reading material. The biggest disadvantage of having too many books on your smartphone (or tablet/e-book reader) is suffering from a lack of focus and/or indecisiveness. Try not to start more than one book at a time. Decide and set your priorities.
  7. Thou shalt enjoy the reading journey at your own pace. Reading is meant to be savored just like a piece of chocolate. Try not to be in too much of a hurry to finish too many books.
  8. Thou shalt not ever give up! Giving up reading is the biggest sin you shall ever commit!
  9. Thou shalt not read indulge in too many trashy books. Reading a guilty pleasure or two is fine. Just don’t go down too far on that road again.
  10. Thou shalt read and absorb inspirational books everyday. Reading fiction is obviously great but reading a book which can empower and lift you higher is the best! Try to learn something everyday.

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18 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday – Ten Bookish Commandments

  1. RedHeadedBookLover says:

    This is such an amazing post! I really love your blog so much and in turn cannot stop reading all of your posts. I look forward to reading more from you!


  2. Amy says:

    Omg I love this list!!! Do you actually read at the same time ever day?? That’s commitment! I love a guilty pleasure book! I have a close friend who almost exclusively reads inspirational type books and I’m like over here with my latest fantasy! Haha great list!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thistles and Whistles says:

      Thank you so much! Actually, reading everyday is a habit I’d like to make a permanent part of my life. All the coaches from motivational books/podcasts say that learning material should be read for 20-30 minutes at the same time to condition your mind to eventually form a habit. I did that for a while for a few weeks but need to do it consistently to make it permanent. I do read more fiction that motivational books but I’m in an overall reading slump at the moment which I would like to get out of. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Amy says:

        That’s so interesting about the conditioning your mind! I think I’m in the start of a reading slump but I’m determined not to let it develop into a full fledged Reading Slump.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. awayinneverland says:

    Love this!! I already abide by pretty much all of these already except the reading at the same time everyday, my work schedule is always so all over the place I just read when I can. But I loved your post idea!

    Liked by 1 person

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